Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Adventure Begins...

So...what is it that started me on this organic purse adventure?  Well, like most things in life, to explain the present you have to understand the past.

Up until recently my existence could perhaps best be described as being "squeezed into a really uncomfortable version of myself" (to quote my husband). I'd have to say that's an accurate summation. I had come to believe that there was great virtue in conforming to what other people expected of me. (Or more accurately, conforming to what I thought other people expected of me.) 

It took me a long time and a lot of lessons learned to realize there was no happiness to be found in such a life.  Over the last couple of years in particular, I've become much more in tune with who I Really am. And I realized what I've always known deep down: I like myself. 

It took a while for this new-found Realization to grow into outward Courage.  But eventually it did. And it showed.  I gave up "conservative" clothes and stopped taking my fashion cues from other people. In other words, I embraced my inner hippie.  The problem was every time I put on my Me clothes and went out the door, I was grabbing a designer-label, patent-leather-red purse. And it just didn't fit.

I kept hoping to make time to shop for a new purse, something that would reflect things I believe in and value...but alas, shopping is Not one of those things. Creating, however, is. It nearly tops my list. It satisfies, engages and liberates me like nothing else I know.

So, I set my mind to it and with only a hand-sketched pattern borrowed from a fellow blogger, an empty burlap rice sack and some clearance table canvas, I got started. 

I resurrected the sewing lessons my mom had given me as a 9-year old and...some hours (and a few instructive mistakes) later...I had reached the first stop on this organic purse adventure.

Hannah's London

The 2nd stop on my new adventure was inspired by a good friend of mine who saw my vision and wanted to join me on the journey.  I was thrilled at the prospect of creating something completely unique for her, something that would be capture a piece of her lovely essence.  So we started to brainstorm together.

She is a gifted dancer. A lover of music. And, despite her youth, has a true appreciation for classic artists.  Since she was recently quite captivated by The Beatles and all things London-ish, I decided to create something to embody that love.

Grey. Grey was the first ingredient that came to my mind.  When I was 24, I spent four very grey days in the British capital. Now...some people are quite opposed to greyness but I find it can be rather cozy. Greyness, and its close companion Raininess, can drive one indoors - meaning more time spent in close quarters, with good friends, good food and soul-warming beverages. Or...if one chooses to venture out into the Grey, it can drive one's Thoughts inward, giving you a chance to think thoughts you may have never "thunk" in the hustle & bustle of sunnier days.

So Grey it must be.  A lovely, London-sky grey.  But how? I set to researching & eventually found a helpful reference to blueberries made by a fellow blogger.  After some careful experimentation in my kitchen, I took the plunge, hoping to turn my unbleached canvas into the perfect London grey.  Piece #1 came out wonderfully.  Piece #2 was most definitely...purple. 

Ergh.   This would never do. (think, think, think....) Perhaps I could simply lighten it?  What could I use?  My husband's maternal grandmother (who I never had the privilege of meeting) had been a laundry genius.  She would buy truckloads of antique linens and make those babies shine like new. Well...ok...maybe linens don't shine get my point.   One of her secrets?  Borax. The problem was I didn't have any.  Poopy! 

I finally settled on trying baking soda. I mixed up a solution, held my breath, and dunked Piece #2 beneath the surface. And miracle of miracles! chemical reaction of chemical reactions! It turned grey before my very eyes!!  I was giddy with excitement & am quite sure I engaged in much jumping up and down alone there in my kitchen.

So now to fill my lovely grey canvas....

I scoured the internet looking for the perfect image to work from.  I finally found one.  Hanging on my kitchen wall. The very one I had captured on my aforementioned London excursion.  Funny how often that happens. We look all around us for beauty and inspiration when, in fact, we are carrying what we need within us the whole time.

Pulling from my ever-growing collection of clothing longing for a second shot at life, I found just what I needed in my husband's old work uniforms.  An old Steak and Ale nap became the unmistakable silhouette of Big Ben & the Parliament building and a red button-down (from a job now only known as Stir Waste-of-Time), bold block lettering. Perfect against that grey sky(!)  I was extremely excited with the results but something was missing.  For this purse to be just right for my Hannah, it needed an appropriate but subtle nod to the four blokes she so admired.  

I found it in a tiny yellow submarine.

I'm glad to say Hannah loves her purse as much as I loved creating it for her.  And I'm glad it can set out with her on her youthful adventures.  Who knows...maybe she will take it on her very own trip across the pond one day...

Friday, December 21, 2012


This blog is aesthetically quite far from what I intend for it to be. However, in the interests of progress over perfectionism, the show must go on. Stay tuned.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.....